Monday, October 17, 2011


Something that makes me a victim of consumerism is Coca-Cola. I see commercials on TV about Coca-Cola and I see them trying to advertise it in stores. It is something that I consume too much of.

I fall into their consumerist trap because it is my favorite kind of pop. I always have some and I drink a lot of it everyday.

I think other people may fall into their consumerist trap because they might like to drink it too. They may not fall into the consumerist trap if they don't like it. It depends on the person and what they like to drink.

I think that people can do many things to resist the temptations of our consumerist culture. To resist falling into the consumerist trap of getting Coca-Cola people can get something else instead. At restaurants you can ask for a cup of water instead of getting pop or coca-cola and it is free.